Zephyr's Blog

3 Things You Achieve By Bad-Mouthing People

What are the 3 things you can achieve by bad-mouthing people? 

  1. You can waste your time.
  2. You can mess with your emotional balance.
  3. You can make your outlook on life worse.

Despite all our progress on Earth, all our spiritual awakening, all our visiting religious locations on Sundays, I...

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Only Your Soul Can Tell You If It Feels "Right".

Does What You're Doing Feel "Right"?


Over the last 8 years, I've been back and forth a lot on all my life pursuits. Introspecting, challenging my past mental constructs, and really challenging everyone around me too. (politely - much more politely now that I'm back to my balanced self, but...

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A Good Reason To Go To Work

I asked myself the other day, why at this new job of mine, I don't feel stressed like I used to in previous jobs, where I felt a feeling like I was "trapped". 

It came to me, that it's because of the reason I go to work here. 

The reason I go to work here is not because I feel that my...

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Off The Beaten Path with Dr. Poorna Menon, ND

Who Is Dr. Poorna Menon, ND?

Dr. Menon is a Naturopathic Physician & Health Consultant, with a Doctorate of Naturopathic Medicine from Bastyr University. She specialises in complex, chronic health conditions, including mental health, and extensively uses Naturopathic modalities such as...

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Sleep Tip 1 - Put Your Phone Away One Hour Before Bed

Sleep Tip 1 - Put Your Phone Away One Hour Before Bed

To get a good night's sleep, I highly recommend at least an hour of device-free time before you reach your bed. I've been experimenting with this in various ways for over a year now, and the verdict, at least from me (and for me) and ALL...

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2 Things To Keep In Mind When They Tell You, "You're Wrong!"


  • Most people get affected in the form of a negative emotional reaction to people's opinions.
  • Do you keep moving forward despite irrelevant feedback? Or do you allow it to stop you in your tracks?
  • Watch the video to understand this topic in depth with examples.


Is it Ok To...

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How To Calculate Your Life Path Number
The Life Path Number

The life path number is a definition of your core personality and character. It uses the numbers in your birthdate (the ENTIRE birthdate), and ends up being a single digit from 1-9. Sometimes, master numbers 11, 22, 33 etc. are also considered, although they can be resolved...

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Your words have power. Use them carefully.

*Names have been changed to protect the identity of people in the incident.

What you need to know before I tell you about this incident.

I have been recently applying for a job. Depending on how we want to frame this, and I'm keeping in mind the title of this blog post, I can either say, "It's...

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Health Tip 1 - How Much To Exercise To Lose Weight?

Health Tip 1 - How much to exercise to lose weight & how much exercise per day is good?


To be healthy and fit, I recommend moving the body (aka going to exercise in whatever way you choose), 3 to 6 times a week for at least 30 minutes each time.

If you're doing 3 times a week for...

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What Is Friendship?

What I Was Taught About Friendship

When I was young, and to be honest our entire lives, my parents have led by example and shown us how to maintain amazing relationships. "Be a good human being", "it is better to be kind than to be right" and "be nice to him/her/them" were regular phrases I heard...

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The Greatest Gift You Can Give Yourself

The Greatest Gift

The greatest gift you can give yourself, is the ability, choice, capability, permission, confidence, love and safety, to be yourself.

Whether this means you like to go to Africa, get on to the grass and roar like a Lion if you think you're one or whether you like to secretly...

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Why I Created The 21-Day Sleep Early Challenge


Summary - This is why I created the 21-Day Sleep Early Challenge


1. I used to be 1st for 3 years straight in primary school out of 120 students, and I used to sleep very early.

2. This trend continued and I realise upon looking back that each time I was achieving...

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