Zephyr's Blog

Judging Other Lightworkers?

Not All Lightworkers Use The Same Modalities Or Methods

Just because another person is also a lightworker doesn’t meant they have the exact same mission as you on Earth. Stop judging each other negatively, and get on with it. Everyone’s mission is important or it wouldn’t have...

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Still Doubting Yourself?

Doubting Yourself Is A Waste Of Time

Above quote by yours truly, it applies to almost all my life coaching and success clients' stories.

"Don't forget, while you're busy doubting yourself, someone else is admiring your strength." A wonderful quote by Kristen Butler came to mind the other day...

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Is Using Just Someone's First Name Acceptable?

In Short, I Say Use People's First Names

I don’t feel like using someone’s first name is disrespectful, contrary to what some cultures would have you believe. Mr. Tan, Mrs. Jacobs, Mr. Rogers. We're told that it's more respectful to use a surname rather than address the person. I...

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16 Success Guidelines For 2024

Guidelines For Success In 2024

1. No fake friendships.

2. Only love.

3. Gentleness over irritation.

4. Goals over despair.

5. Step 1 is every day. Every day is step 1.

6. Saying ”no” IS love. Saying “yes” to everything is haphazard messy behaviour.

7. Eating healthier...

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Spirituality Is Not Easy To Translate Into Human Language

Inside you, you understand exactly what’s going on spiritually. When you try to put it in human words though in different languages, you may fumble. And that’s ok. Not everything energetic or from the other realms is meant to be translated into human attempts at communication. We...

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What To Do When They Ask You To "Prove" Something Spiritual

What To Do When Someone Asks You To "Prove" Something Spiritual


Often in my spiritual and metaphysical explorations (more on the page "My Story"), especially when speaking about phenomena, or the experiences from my healing sessions, channelling, mediumship and so on, I'd get a...

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Not Everything Has To Be Proven

Often in my spiritual journey, teachings and sharing sessions, I've come across the sceptic or genuine scientist who says "prove it". I love it when I meet people who say that as I applaud their enthusiasm. 

However, here's my response to those who say that with a snarky face, or those who...

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3 Things You Achieve By Bad-Mouthing People

What are the 3 things you can achieve by bad-mouthing people? 

  1. You can waste your time.
  2. You can mess with your emotional balance.
  3. You can make your outlook on life worse.

Despite all our progress on Earth, all our spiritual awakening, all our visiting religious locations on Sundays, I...

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Only Your Soul Can Tell You If It Feels "Right".

Does What You're Doing Feel "Right"?


Over the last 8 years, I've been back and forth a lot on all my life pursuits. Introspecting, challenging my past mental constructs, and really challenging everyone around me too. (politely - much more politely now that I'm back to my balanced self, but...

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A Good Reason To Go To Work

I asked myself the other day, why at this new job of mine, I don't feel stressed like I used to in previous jobs, where I felt a feeling like I was "trapped". 

It came to me, that it's because of the reason I go to work here. 

The reason I go to work here is not because I feel that my...

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Off The Beaten Path with Dr. Poorna Menon, ND

Who Is Dr. Poorna Menon, ND?

Dr. Menon is a Naturopathic Physician & Health Consultant, with a Doctorate of Naturopathic Medicine from Bastyr University. She specialises in complex, chronic health conditions, including mental health, and extensively uses Naturopathic modalities such as...

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Sleep Tip 1 - Put Your Phone Away One Hour Before Bed

Sleep Tip 1 - Put Your Phone Away One Hour Before Bed

To get a good night's sleep, I highly recommend at least an hour of device-free time before you reach your bed. I've been experimenting with this in various ways for over a year now, and the verdict, at least from me (and for me) and ALL...

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