Zephyr's Blog

How To Sync Audio And Video in iMovie and Fix Audio Drifting


You've started editing your video in iMovie, and you're realising that in long video edits, when you get to about the 20-minute mark after cutting and editing every 2 sentences, that suddenly, the audio and video doesn't line up, and the audio and video are out of sync in iMovie. The...

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Not Just Participation Trophies Are Rubbish. All Trophies Are.

It's spreading widely on the internet that we ruined excellence by handing out participation trophies. I'd like to one up that. 

It’s not just that participation trophies are rubbish. It’s that all trophies are rubbish.

If you are actually enjoying what you are doing in an...

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A Time To Learn And A Time To Earn

I was watching a video on YouTube of a speaker once, it was one of those deep-voiced African speakers with a really sexy voice. I could be wrong but I believe it was Eric Thomas.

He said, "The first 30 are for learning, and the next 30 for earning."

Well, that one probably flew right by me, as I'm...

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What Your Career Path Will Be


"What Is A Good Career Path For Me?"


This is a question we hear often. This question makes a lot of people who are working on self-discovery exercises wonder different things. I believe I've found the answer.

I've even heard things like, "Don't follow your dreams, follow your...

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Do Your Best Every Day. It's That Simple.


Doing Your Best Every Day


There are many guiding principles as to how we should live our lives. There are certain overarching principles which help though. I follow one in particular and it's advice I would give anyone.

Do your best every day, it's that simple.

- Zephyr Khambatta

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The Best Thing You Can Do For Yourself & The Planet


The Best Thing You Can Do For Yourself (& Yes It's The Same Thing For The Planet)

The number 1 thing you can do for yourself and the planet, is to keep your vibration high. As high as you can. All day, every day.

To different people that's going to mean different things. It's ok. You...

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Still Doubting Yourself?

Doubting Yourself Is A Waste Of Time

Above quote by yours truly, it applies to almost all my life coaching and success clients' stories.

"Don't forget, while you're busy doubting yourself, someone else is admiring your strength." A wonderful quote by Kristen Butler came to mind the other day...

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The Greatest Gift You Can Give Yourself

The Greatest Gift

The greatest gift you can give yourself, is the ability, choice, capability, permission, confidence, love and safety, to be yourself.

Whether this means you like to go to Africa, get on to the grass and roar like a Lion if you think you're one or whether you like to secretly...

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"If It Was So Easy, Everyone Would Do It."

Busting One Of The Most Common Excuses For Chickening Out.

Whenever people try to pursue a new goal, dream, vocation, direction or vision, which is particularly non-conventional or not what we regard as "safe", there are often two statements that come up.


1. "If it was so easy,...

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