Zephyr's Blog

Obsession With Something Means Unfinished Business

This is going to sound a little controversial... but on a planet, or rather among a species, where massive change is needed to evolve, anything that takes you in a direction you're not used to going in is going to sound controversial.

If you're obsessed about something... even if it may be...

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1 Quick Way To Reset Your Energy

In today's day and age, our energies are quick to get messed with. If you're an empath or on a conscious path like I am, just multiply potential upheavals and incidents by 10.

It is absolutely essential to keep your energy grounded, balanced and neutral, as is unique to your own energy signature...

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3 Reasons You Cannot Fix Your Relationship "Immediately"

Relationships can be the most complicated things you will ever encounter, and also some of the most blissful.

Whether things are chugging along smoothly for you, or things are sour, I've come to realise that you can always keep improving things and making them better. Either you're into...

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Why Your Favourite Celebrities & Role Models Won't Reply To You

You buy a lot of branded goods, watch sports games, read books from famous authors and even eat in amazing restaurants started by wonderful chefs.

Have you ever thought of reaching out to them? Maybe you've thought of it, and you've tried to reach out. 

Here's why they (and me and others like...

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Is That Person Actually... "Negative"? You May Not Have The Full Story.

Many people think that just because you're pointing out unpleasant things daily, means you're "negative", a "complainer" or a "drama queen".

As someone who myself thought that about others in the past, may I share...

That is 100% INACCURATE about some people. 

Yes, there are some people...

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Not Just Participation Trophies Are Rubbish. All Trophies Are.

It's spreading widely on the internet that we ruined excellence by handing out participation trophies. I'd like to one up that. 

It’s not just that participation trophies are rubbish. It’s that all trophies are rubbish.

If you are actually enjoying what you are doing in an...

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A Time To Learn And A Time To Earn

I was watching a video on YouTube of a speaker once, it was one of those deep-voiced African speakers with a really sexy voice. I could be wrong but I believe it was Eric Thomas.

He said, "The first 30 are for learning, and the next 30 for earning."

Well, that one probably flew right by me, as I'm...

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Best Long Term Cure For Depression

One of the best long-term cures I’ve found for my own depression (and maybe it can help you too), is consistent exercise. 

Another is sleeping well without disturbances.

A third is doing what you love for at least half the day.

A fourth is having a friend who you can tell ANYTHING to...

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The Zephyr Show Episode 2 - Meherwan Patel - Spirituality, Philosophy, Human-Centered Design

 In Episode 2 of The Zephyr Show, I interviewed Meherwan Patel, a student at Yale-NUS College, Singapore.

He's currently (2024) pursuing his B.A. (Hons) Philosophy & graduating soon. In this chat we spoke about everything from Spirituality to Human-Centered Design. Meherwan & I...

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Why Am I Stuck In The Past? Why Am I Stuck In Life?

If you rather watch a video about this topic, watch the video above. ^

"Why Am I Stuck In The Past?"
"Why Am I Stuck In Life?"
"Why Am I Stuck In My Own Head?"
"Why Am I Stuck In My Career?"
"Why Am I Stuck In My Relationship?"
"Why Am I Stuck In My Marriage?"

Being stuck in the past can be like...

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Following The Signs & How To Spot Synchronicity

When in touch with spirituality and the energetic nature of the Universe, you will be greeted with more and more signs and synchronicities daily. On the whole, whether you are or not, you will find yourself seeing and hearing about such things more and more anyway, because we all have a soul,...

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You Will Fight The Biggest Fight In Your Bloodline.

If you're alive on earth right now in 2024, you're living in a very interesting time, amidst The Great Awakening. We are the guardians of transition and change.

We are the generation that has to fight the biggest war in our bloodline. This new generation of kids is not going to take the shit of...

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