Zephyr's Blog

Watch Your Self-Talk

The small things you're saying to yourself day in and day out which you think don't matter, actually shape your future.

For example, when you make a few simple household mistakes in the day and if you say to yourself under your breath..."Sigh... I'm an idiot," and even if you smile after that...

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Meet People Where They're At

In the end, real communication only happens when two people connect. To connect, you need to understand where the other is coming from.

 It is all too easy to want to force your view down the other person's throat, even if you KNOW it's the truth, for example in the case of a 37-year old...

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Create A Night-Time Ritual

The night, is mysterious and encompassing.

In the night, boundaries are blurred, both figuratively and visually.

Artists and creative folk crave the night.

Night is the best time for you to do something for yourself, daily. Or the early morning (before or after most of the activities in your...

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Small Steps Are The Best

Often, we have large tasks and goals ahead of us. I don't know any humans who "dream small". I know plenty who are stressed out though.

This happens because we try to bite off more than we can chew. As I go through a re-setting of my system to bring me back to who I was when I was a child before...

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Are Your Family Whatsapp Groups Eating Away At Your Soul?

It's good to be in touch with people, sometimes even people you barely know... but how much is too much?

There was an extended family Whatsapp group I left, of the second cousins, on my Mom's Mom's side (my mother's mother's siblings' kids). A group of people from all over the globe. 


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Get Up And Try Again

Sometimes we have the best ideas, which we know will be fantastic for our careers and lives. Then the roadblocks are massive. What do you do?

Last night, the 1st of Jan 2025, I had a grand idea to record a 14 minute video and post it on YouTube and do one of these a day. Just me talking into the...

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Obsession With Something Means Unfinished Business

This is going to sound a little controversial... but on a planet, or rather among a species, where massive change is needed to evolve, anything that takes you in a direction you're not used to going in is going to sound controversial.

If you're obsessed about something... even if it may be...

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Taught My 1st Group Fitness Class & It Was Fun!


Group Fitness & What I Think About It

I've been into health for the longest time since 2002, when I was turning 15, and I was just the "Waterboy" on the hockey team. Since then, I've encountered fitness in many different sports and forms including but not limited to:

  • Canoeing
  • Soccer
  • ...
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Why Your Favourite Celebrities & Role Models Won't Reply To You

You buy a lot of branded goods, watch sports games, read books from famous authors and even eat in amazing restaurants started by wonderful chefs.

Have you ever thought of reaching out to them? Maybe you've thought of it, and you've tried to reach out. 

Here's why they (and me and others like...

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Is That Person Actually... "Negative"? You May Not Have The Full Story.

Many people think that just because you're pointing out unpleasant things daily, means you're "negative", a "complainer" or a "drama queen".

As someone who myself thought that about others in the past, may I share...

That is 100% INACCURATE about some people. 

Yes, there are some people...

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Not Just Participation Trophies Are Rubbish. All Trophies Are.

It's spreading widely on the internet that we ruined excellence by handing out participation trophies. I'd like to one up that. 

It’s not just that participation trophies are rubbish. It’s that all trophies are rubbish.

If you are actually enjoying what you are doing in an...

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A Time To Learn And A Time To Earn

I was watching a video on YouTube of a speaker once, it was one of those deep-voiced African speakers with a really sexy voice. I could be wrong but I believe it was Eric Thomas.

He said, "The first 30 are for learning, and the next 30 for earning."

Well, that one probably flew right by me, as I'm...

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