Zephyr's Blog

Choosing to hold the light for yourself and others.

Honestly, there's darkness everywhere. Nothing can be perpetually bright and shiny. We even know this from spirituality for example which simply put, states, that for you to know what light is, darkness has to exist, and vice versa.

If you look out of your planet what do you see? Black. Pitch...

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You Sleep Better When You Tell The Truth.

You sleep better when you tell the truth.

Since 2008, I have lived peacefully from my core and my most authentic life.

Here's how: by telling the truth.

When you always tell the truth, you sleep really well. Y
ou might not be very accepted, on a planet full of liars, but the sleep… Omg. ...

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What Is "Energy Work"?

Energy healing. Reiki healing. Lightwork. Lightworkers. Healers. Spiritual Healers. Psychics. Mediums. Healing energy. Universal energy. Universal healing.

These are the terms that come to mind, and are actually part of what people refer to, at least in spiritual circles, as "Energy Work". 


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Still Stuck Trying To Convince Others Of Your Worth?

"Stop trying to convince prawns of your worth, when you are an orca. 

Respect all life including the prawns, but know your place. 

Charity could be an option, but collaboration or a career? Experience will teach you that one." 

This idea was inspired by my time in the music industry...

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Alcohol As A Tool?

If we consume alcohol in specific, controlled and tiny amounts once in a blue moon, as a tool for a specific purpose, such as to suppress crippling emotional pain or to reduce fear, we can consider that strategic move as intelligence. 

However if we consume alcohol on the regular and say...

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Why Your Plans Are Bound To Change.

Not all of your plans are going to go exactly as planned. 

Company names will change, jobs and careers will change, countries and homes will change, and even your spouses may change. Your children, while remaining your own, will definitely change their behaviour and lives, just like we've...

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It Takes More Than A Tiara & Makeup To Be An Elf

This post is for those of you who are seeking to uplevel your life, are interested in spirituality, are on the edges of an awakening, have already begun your awakening journeys, or are wondering what in God's name a "spiritual awakening" is (that last one is not the exact topic of this one, but...

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The Power Of Daily Routines? Highly Unnatural & Regimental. Try Inspiration Instead.

So you probably heard that you need to do something daily if you want to be good at it. The truth is, yes, you have do something a lot if you want to be good at it. Sometimes multiple times a day if you want to be the world's best. 

However, if we are talking about aligning into our soul, our...

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"Divine Intervention" Card From "Art Through The Eyes Of The Soul Oracle" Deck

If you rather watch a video about this reading, click this video below.

Hey Everyone! 

This was my first online video / post about my readings. I first took a keen interest in cards, in around 2017 or so, and slowly and steadily began reading for clients. Before that though, I've been a...

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Make Life Better - Shut Off Work At 9pm?

Hey Everyone, 

Hope you're doing amazing today.

I woke up with an inspired idea to create this blog, as I do with all my inspired ideas. I'm going to keep it extremely short (which is a first for me). 

What if... we just shut everything off at 9pm work wise? And maybe device wise, at...

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Is It Ok To Give Up? Message 1/365

Is it ok to progress slowly? How slow is good? How fast is good? Can slow progress be real progress?

Here's a short 1.5 minute video summarising this:

Goals. Dreams. Achievements. 

They sure do make us feel good. Both the visualising of them, and also the attaining of them. However, sometimes...

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Alternative Ways To Survive A Disease

It's been a crazy couple of years to say the least.


Things in some countries are moving faster than they can be stopped, many countries are facing their second or third waves (or 4th? Sorry I've lost count) of the virus, and countries like Singapore are going back to a mode...

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