Zephyr's Blog

1 Simple Way To Improve Your Relationship

While there is a place and time to implement complex strategies, I find that sometimes with humans, the simplest things are the most effective. This also extends into relationships.

Here's a simple thing that my wife and I did plenty in 2020 during that big thing that was spread throughout the...

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1 Quick Way To Reset Your Energy

In today's day and age, our energies are quick to get messed with. If you're an empath or on a conscious path like I am, just multiply potential upheavals and incidents by 10. 

It is absolutely essential to keep your energy grounded, balanced and neutral, as is unique in your own energy...

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Haven't Slept In Almost 48 Hours - Flew To Canada For A Holiday

It's been a wild few days.

Picture this.

It's 5th July 2024, 5pm, in Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada, and I'm just about to sleep after not sleeping in over 48 hours. That's 8am in Singapore on 6th July 2024.

We just took a flight there from the Vancouver airport on a smallish propeller plane,...

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3 Reasons You Cannot Fix Your Relationship "Immediately"

Relationships can be the most complicated things you will ever encounter, and also some of the most blissful.

Whether things are chugging along smoothly for you, or things are sour, I've come to realise that you can always keep improving things and making them better. Either you're into...

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Taught My 1st Group Fitness Class & It Was Fun!


Group Fitness & What I Think About It

I've been into health for the longest time since 2002, when I was turning 15, and I was just the "Waterboy" on the hockey team. Since then, I've encountered fitness in many different sports and forms including but not limited to:

  • Canoeing
  • Soccer
  • ...
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Why Your Favourite Celebrities & Role Models Won't Reply To You

You buy a lot of branded goods, watch sports games, read books from famous authors and even eat in amazing restaurants started by wonderful chefs.

Have you ever thought of reaching out to them? Maybe you've thought of it, and you've tried to reach out. 

Here's why they (and me and others like...

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Visit To Marina Barrage & Satay By The Bay Singapore


In this Vlog, I went to Marina Barrage and Satay By The Bay, with my brother Zeus. We went there for a little heart-to-heart chat, as you do, to amazing locations.

Being 6 years apart, and living apart in different parts of the country, we haven't really had a chance to bond, and when...

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Health Tip 11 - Get A Massage & 2 Good Reasons Why


When To Get A Massage?

Honestly, a massage is something you can get weekly. A lot of people spend their whole lives with health issues, and when I ask them the simple question of, "Do you do massages?"... the answer is always... "No."

Think that's a coincidence? Think again. 


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The View From The Beach at Four Points By Sheraton Bintan, Lagoi Bay

Yesterday before we left Bintan to come back to Singapore, I decided to take a solo walk to the beach, for one last... engulfment by the atmosphere. It was drizzling on and off in the morning, so I decided to bring the umbrella with me, but I went to the water anyway. 

I cannot seem to...

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How To Sync Audio And Video in iMovie and Fix Audio Drifting


You've started editing your video in iMovie, and you're realising that in long video edits, when you get to about the 20-minute mark after cutting and editing every 2 sentences, that suddenly, the audio and video doesn't line up, and the audio and video are out of sync in iMovie. The...

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Is That Person Actually... "Negative"? You May Not Have The Full Story.

Many people think that just because you're pointing out unpleasant things daily, means you're "negative", a "complainer" or a "drama queen".

As someone who myself thought that about others in the past, may I share...

That is 100% INACCURATE about some people. 

Yes, there are some people...

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Not Just Participation Trophies Are Rubbish. All Trophies Are.

It's spreading widely on the internet that we ruined excellence by handing out participation trophies. I'd like to one up that. 

It’s not just that participation trophies are rubbish. It’s that all trophies are rubbish.

If you are actually enjoying what you are doing in an...

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