Zephyr's Blog


Not Everything Has To Be Proven

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"Not everything has to be proven" blog article by Zephyr Khambatta at Three Part Human. Why do people need proof?

Often in my spiritual journey, teachings and sharing sessions, I've come across the sceptic or genuine scientist who says "prove it". I love it when I meet people who say that as I applaud their enthusiasm. 

However, here's my response to those who say that with a snarky face, or those who are implying that if I can't personally prove something to them, that it must not be true globally, for everyone. πŸ˜‚

Look, when you're young, you're informed of the word "sweet". "You taste that? You taste that?" we ask children eating something for the first time which is sweet. They say, "Yeah!" We reply with, "that's what we call "sweet", that's "sweet!" 

Without question, the child goes "ok", or something to that effect, and assimilates it into their consciousness. Did we stop to check with scientific experiments, monitors and probes on their blood, brain, saliva, tongue, throat, etc. etc. etc if chemically, or atomically, the children were processing the exact reactions and compounds which are scientifically known as "sweet"? No, but they believed us, and we believed them. 

Is there "proof"? No, but now you're convinced that the child knows what "sweet" means, and the child thinks they're aware of the same. We take each other's word for it. Why? 

Plenty of reasons. Faith, hope, love, kindness, efficiency, trust... but most importantly, the INNER KNOWING that humans are intelligent, and that somehow, somewhere, in some way, the message will be delivered. 

Similarly, when we love someone... Can you PROVE that you love your husband? I don't think so. Does that mean you don't love him then? I don't think so either. And to be honest... neither do you. πŸ™‚ You KNOW you love him... but you CANNOT... PROVE it.

You see... not everything exists in the human realm of proof and science experiments. Those are just methods for humans to make themselves feel better than they have a grasp on things as we fear the unknown. The wonders of the Universe cannot all be shown repeatedly, systematically and in a fool-proof manner to humans who have made up their minds to be closed off to it. After all, it is not meant for fools. πŸ˜‰

You have to raise yourself out of the vibration of doubt, to start to experience certain things. And only then, in the human mind, will you KNOW it... and once you KNOW it, for yourself... you will stop asking for PROOF. Often, it isn't that seeing is believing. Believing is seeing. That's going to be a quantum jump for some of you. You are welcome, and welcome to Spirituality!

Saw it. Called it. 

Check out the quote on the Three Part Human Instagram account ~
Check out the quote on my personal Instagram account ~

With Love
Zephyr ❀️

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