

- People who are feeling stuck
- People who want to live the life of their dreams
- People who want to express their talents and divine gifts
- People who are feeling controlled & feel they are not following a path authentic to them
Here's How To:
1. Identify Who You Are, What You Want & Your Unique Gifts
2. Express Yourself Genuinely
3. Set Goals & Achieve Them (Yes Actually Achieve Them)
4. Achieve Sensational Success At Your Dreams
5. Live An Authentic Life Full Of Success, Satisfaction & Fulfilment
6. Feel Blissed Out & Passionate All Day Long

It all started in my 1st year in Primary School in Singapore. I was 7. I saw the writing on the wall and it said, "Creative children who like to mingle, daydream, talk, tell stories, play in the trees rather than the soccer field, are of a different skin colour or from an immigrant family with different accents, WILL NEVER MAKE IT."

Well, I wasn't about to just take that and live with it. I decided to prove everyone wrong and re-create myself from scratch, AUTHENTICALLY. It took me 2 years to figure out, but I landed up as "1st in Standard" in my school by 9. That's among over 100 children.

I was always the small, "weird" kid, who was not as athletic as the other kids, and always drawn to nature and animals rather than running around playing with toy guns, sports or trying to be "stellar". I had to claw for everything I got and my mother taught me how to work harder than anyone else. 

In primary 6, a couple of friends and I actually founded Cricket as a national level sport for our age group, as it didn't exist previously. When I went home to tell my parents the good news about us starting a sport and that I was joining the team, they refused to allow me to play, citing a board exam at the end of the year, the PSLE, as the reason. Towards the end of the year, one other friend who started the sport with me became Cricket Captain and I sat in the stands with his mother and watched him win the final match. To make things even more bitter, he scored the exact same as me in the board exam, making my parents' worries about sports interfering with studies, unfounded. I was depressed and broken at 12 because I was not allowed to do what I liked to do, and was dumbfounded at the conditioning running through some parts of society that had clearly rubbed off on my parents. 

Be the end of Primary School (Grade 6), I had gained admission to the top boys school in Singapore, Raffles Institution, something I had dreamed of for the last 4 years. I also got selected for 4 sports, Rugby, Hockey, Cricket and Swimming but I chose hockey because I liked the swiftness of the movement of the sticks and the players. I thought my dreams had come true, until the first few classes, tests and sports matches in my new school. I looked around and realised, I was right at the bottom of the class. In the hockey team, I was worse than a reserve or substitute player. I was the waterboy. I literally had to fill water for my "friends" who would come drink it during the half-time whistle. I had never experienced humiliation at this level, to date. It almost broke me mentally. I HATED going to the best school in Singapore. It took me a couple of years to re-invent myself again, by the third year in my time there, to make strides in my grades and become a real player on the Hockey team. When I did succeed, I realised it wasn't what I expected. 

There was bullying, racism, ostracizing, pantsing (where people gang up on you and take off your pants), name-calling and backstabbing amongst peers and team-mates in this school. I was also asthmatic (which I later in life, just recently actually, found out was conditioning and fear-related), and so the constant stress to perform and physically draining trainings made everything worse. To add to that, my parents wouldn't even allow me to for as many trainings as my peers and that made it harder for me to stay on the team. Meanwhile, I faced backlash and ostracising as my team-mates thought I was the one who wasn't committed to the team. To top it all off, we had a coach the size of a mountain with a bellowing voice who came to training with an angry face and inhuman levels of expectations from us under the burning hot Singapore sun from 3pm to 6pm.

I actually fainted on the hockey pitch once. I remember that the sky was spinning and even as I fell, I heard, "I WANT WARRIORS ON MY TEAM, NOT FAGGOTS!" I continued to vomit at a drain some distance away and cry while training continued without anyone helping, until I was found by someone and taken home.

I had 2nd language classes on Sundays, 3rd language classes (French) on Tuesday and Thursdays and Hockey trainings on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, all after regular school. I was overloaded. I cried, screamed, yelled, pouted, skipped trainings and asked my peers and parents for support. It felt like no one was listening. Every morning, it literally seemed like I was going to war and I was depressed. I just could not understand why school had to be like this. WHY?!?!? Wasn't school supposed to be fun, joyful and actually make us learn things? My only saving grace was that my teachers were stellar and kind. I felt safe and secure with them, in the classroom. 

It was one day in that 3rd year that I realised, that something had to change. Something about this system was weird, and it definitely did not agree with what my soul wanted and how I wanted to express myself in this world. I was 14, going on 15. I had to get back to myself and my soul and play the game I knew how to play and was true to my soul, not the game everyone else was trying to make me play. It took me just a few weeks to shrug off everyone's expectations, get in touch with my soul, and come back with renewed vigour and a success plan. 

When I did... it all clicked again. I was starting to get known for my physical fitness, was a lot more fun to be around and starting to score competitively in classes and even attract members of the opposite sex from other schools. I started getting noticed nationally and even internationally in the coming years. I even got the attention of my dream girl and now we're married with a daughter. All thanks to the little things I did day in and day out.

Take a look at some of my highlights since that pivotal year, 2022, to date, and the rest below that in point form:



Ages 15-20

Won medals while in school and college in Singapore and The Singapore Army for Hockey, Soccer & Canoeing Competitions.

Ages 21-22

Grew a team of Sales Reps from 2 - 30 in a company selling health products and luxury jewellery.

Age 23

Scored the highest grade in principal study in the first year of my BA (Hons) Music, after entering the college only knowing how to play 2-3 songs properly.

Age 24

Led a team of 5 to organise a 2-day multidisciplinary arts festival featuring 60 acts, while simultaneously attending classes for my full-time degree, AND playing in multiple bands.

Age 25

Diploma In Popular Music Performance graduation recital concert makes it to Singapore's National Daily, The Straits Times

Age 25

Won 2nd place in the Clash of the Bands competition, judged by Iskandar Ismail, student of the composer of Singapore's National Anthem.

Age 28

Founded the Facebook Group "Singapore Music", which now has over 6200 members and is the largest Facebook Group for Singaporean Music.

Age 28

First solo vocal single makes it to the national press in Singapore in multiple newspapers and blogs.

Age 29

Acted on "Tanglin", Singapore's longest running primetime TV drama at the time, for 5 months, with no prior formal acting training.

Age 30

MTV Asia & VH1 India play my 1st fully self-produced song 30 times in its release month, June 2017. Other regional publications featured it as well.

Age 33

Picked as one of the three featured inspiring stories by Vishen Lakhiani, founder of Mindvalley, for the graduation ceremony of his signature course, Be Extraordinary.

Age 33

Launched first body transformation course, and made $6500 in a month from course sales and additional spiritual healing services.

Age 35

Featured in Britishpedia's Successful People In Singapore, 2022.

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